laupäev, 16. oktoober 2010

Metsik põhjala

ehk "Northern Exposure" (vt IMDB-s) on üks väga vaimukas ja mõnus 90ndate sari, mida näidati kunagi ka ETVs ja hiljuti jupi kaupa TV3s. Stiili poolest nimetaksin ma selle filosoofiliseks komöödiaks.

Tegevus toimub Alaska linnakeses Cicely´s, kus sinna elama sattunud inimesed pimedas ja külmas üksteise ja iseeendaga hakkama üritavad saada. Põhiline pinge tekib episoodides õppemaksu tasaarvelduseks Alaska pärapõrgusse arstiks lähetatud noore juudi soost newyorklase Joel Fleischmani ja Cicely teiste asukate, kellest igaüks on omamoodi friik, maailmavaatelistest kokkupõrgetest.

Eriti mõnusad on lugudes kolkafilosoofi Chrisi (keda mängib "Seksis ja linnas" Aidanit mänginud John Corbett) sõnavõtud kohalikus raadios. Chris on ka kohalik kunstnik, kes teeb performance´eid ja installatsioone, sh ühe imeilusa valgusinstallatsiooni sarja esimese hooaja viimases osas, mille pealkiri on "Aurora Borealis". Linnakeses läheneb talvine pööripäev ja valgust jääb järjest vähemaks, koguaeg on pime ja külm. Samal ajal paneb keegi kõikjalt pihta lampe ja pirne jm valgusallikaid ning lõpuks selgub, et Chris teeb neist valgusinstallatsiooni, mille esitluse või avamise leidsin ka youtube´ist:

Chris: "Goethe's final words: "More light." Ever since we crawled out of that primordial slime, that's been our unifying cry: "More light." Sunlight. Torchlight. Candlight. Neon. Incandescent. Lights that banish the darkness from our caves, to illuminate our roads, the insides of our refrigerators. Big floods for the night games at Soldier's field. Little tiny flashlight for those books we read under the covers when we're supposed to be asleep. Light is more than watts and footcandles. Light is metaphor. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Lead, Kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom Lead Thou me on! The night is dark, and I am far from home- Lead Thou me on! Arise, shine, for thy light has come. Light is knowledge. Light is life. Light is light."

Veel mõned tsitaadid raadiosaatejuhilt Chrisilt (allikas IMDB):

Chris: "Who is Chris Stevens? Who are any of us? Are we one person fixed at birth or do we grow like a snow ball coming down the mountains side of life? O can we change? Shred our skin? The caterpillar becomes the butterfly leaving the remains of his former self behind. I look at my yearbook photo, class 81, and I wonder who that stranger is. Dam if I know, maybe that's the point, maybe we are not supposed to know, maybe that's what this earthly joyride is all about. Like Robert Frost said "We dance around the ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows."

Chris: "People notice things about their significant other they don't like all the time - the way they chew their food or clip their toenails - it's a necessary part of a real relationship. Personally, I'm not into that, but lot's of folks seem to get over the hump and keep fueling the domestic fires. On the other hand, for me, when I begin to see flaws, chinks in the romantic armor, it's a foreshadowing - a sure sign, you know, that love's about to skip out the back door. Adios. Finito, benito."

Chris: "In dreams begin responsibilities, so wrote the poet. So it is perhaps. Could it be we take our dreams too lightly, those images from places unknown? Could they in fact be angels in flight, our souls aloft? You know, recent experiences have made yours truly take another pass through the metaphysical thickets. As unlikely as it may sound in this rational age, I emerged on the side of those that cannot help but put their faith in that which cannot be easily explained. Be open to your dreams people. Embrace that distant shore. Cause our mortal journey is over all too soon. "Those cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, the solemn temples. The great globe itself. Yea all which you inherit shall dissolve and like this insubstantial pageant faded. Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff as dreams are made on and our little life is rounded with asleep."

Siin on veel üks stseen osast, kus Chris kaotas oma hääle ja ei saa seda kuidagi tagasi ning linnarahvas tunneb väga puudust tema raadiosaadetest. Lõpuks arvatakse, et selle tagasisaamiseks peab ta magama linna kõige kaunima naisega, kelleks on Maggie. Selles youtube´i lõigus läheb ta siis linnarahva toetuse saatel Maggie juurde...

Ei tea kas ma peaks oma kadunud hääle tagasisaamiseks midagi sarnast tegema? :))

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