reede, 17. oktoober 2008

Florentijn Hofman

Hollandi kunstniku Florentijn Hofmani tehtud tööde hulka kuulub muuhulgas ka Prantsusmaal mööda Loire´i jõge seilanud hiiglaslik vannipardike ("Badeend", 2007)...
...mille kohta Hofman ise ütleb: 
"The friendly, floating Rubber Duck has healing properties: it can relieve mondial tensions as well as define them. The rubber duck is soft, friendly and suitable for all ages!"

...ja kummuli klaverid ("Paal 5", 2006) Põhjameres Friisi saarte hulka kuuluva Schiermonnikoogi saare rannal:

"For the fifth anniversary of the Schiermonnikoog International Chamber Music Festival, I came up with a concept of grand pianos washed upon the shore. The refer to stranded cargo and ditto whales. To be salvaged or saved; in any case to be wondered and surprised about. To one person it’s of value beyond measure, the other looks upon it as being just derelict wood. Islanders come and gather, to admire, to salvage or to save and, thus, see their beach again in a whole new perspective."

Kõik pildid ja Hofmani sõnad on pärit Hofmani kodulehelt.


Installatsioon "Defenestration" San Franciscos, USAs:

Wikipediast selgus minu jaoks aga üllatav tõsiasi, et defenestration on juba väga vana mõiste/toiming: 

"Defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window. The term was coined around the time of an incident in Prague Castle in the year of 1618. ...Historically, the word defenestration was used to refer to an act of political dissent. Notably, the defenestrations of Prague in 1419 and 1618 helped to trigger prolonged conflict within Bohemia and beyond. It is said that some Catholics ascribed the survival of those defenestrated at Prague Castle in 1618 to divine intervention."

Äge Rodney!

Veel Rodney Smithi fotosid leiad siit.

neljapäev, 16. oktoober 2008

Mahajäetud rongijaam Abhaasias, Musta mere ääres

Pildid rohtu mattunud perroonist meenutavad mulle Márquezi raamatutes kirjeldatud lopsakat, metsikul kiirusel vohava taimestikuga Colombia loodust. Huvitav, mida Liisi sellest arvab? ;)

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